
S 200 MT UC

S 200 MT UC ready for departure

ABB's MCB for AC and DC applications for the traction industry
The miniature circuit breaker S 200 MT UC extends the established ABB System pro M compact® product range with an MCB for DC and AC applications for the traction industry. The S 200 MT UC impresses with its performance range and the accordingly large amount of approvals. Its high inbuilt short circuit breaking capacity across the entire model line, ist flexible AC and DC application and ist approval and compliance in accordance with all major international and local standards make it truly unique.

Main benefits
 Suitable for AC and DC, only one device on stock necessary
 High breaking capacity for both, AC and DC currents
 Many approvals to use the MCB all around the world
 All current System pro M compact®accessories can be combined easily with the new model line

Main Features
 Exigence classification 3 acc. NFF16-101/102 (I2-F3)
 Hazard Level acc. to EN 45545-2 R26/HL3
 Contact Position Indicator (CPI), to clearly show the position of the main contacts
 All major approvals laser-printed on the dome of the MCB for an easy identification


